Michael Brusca
Many lawyers who deal with nursing home law know that there is a huge problem with the way people are treated at nursing homes, assisted living facilities, group homes, and the like. When the workers don’t have anyone holding them accountable for their actions, issues begin to arise. Even if the abuse is indirect through neglect, it is important to hold places accountable for the way they treat their residents. Michael Brusca has made it his mission to ensure the elderly population is taken care of and these facilities are held to the highest standard of care. His law firm, Davis & Brusca Trial Lawyers, is dedicated to getting justice for anyone who has suffered because of nursing home abuse.
Unfortunately, Michael has experienced first hand how traumatic abuse and neglect in the nursing home can be on a loved one. He knows what it is like for a family member to be injured in an institution, and watched someone he cared about struggle and eventually pass away. This gives Michael even more fuel in the courtroom, as he does not want to see the same thing happen to anyone else. Michael has dedicated his practice to nursing home abuse law, and even teaches his successful strategies to other lawyers so that more assisted living facilities can be held to the highest standards of care.
As a Cherry Hill, NJ nursing home lawyer, Michael currently serves on the Executive Board of the national Nursing Home Litigation Group for the American Association for Justice. He wants to make a difference in the world and finds that using his skills in the courtroom does just that. Michael is an advocate for those who may not have their own voice, as well as their families who have had to endure watching a loved one harmed by a place that was supposed to keep them safe. He will continue to grow as an attorney and protect the more vulnerable populations, as well as share his knowledge with others so that they can make a difference too.
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